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Switching to foldable, reusable IBCs with Ebo and Felix

Watch Part 1: Why Reusables?

  • Are the right IBCs arriving in the right place at the right time?
  • Are you satisfied with the way your product is packed and handled? 
  • Are you happy with what you are paying for this service?
  • Are you being fined unfairly for the non-return of your current IBCs? 

Highlight potential cost savings, unlock supply chain efficiencies and achieve your sustainability goals by switching to reusable, foldable IBC solutions with the most appropriate liner. 

Watch the second part of how to successfully make the switch & download the expert guide now

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Calculate the benefits of upgrading to foldable liquid IBCs

Our calculator will show how much you could save by upgrading your current solution to pooled, foldable IBCs from Tosca.What solution are you currently using?*Please SelectSchütz containersStainless steel containerStainless steel drumsPlastic nestable drumsFoldable IBCWhat is the average transport distance for delivery & pickup of empty units?*Please SelectShort <200 kmIntermediate 200 – 500 kmLong 500 – 1000 kmEmail*


Meet our liquid IBC portfolio


Superior Hybrid

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Combo 285 BD

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Combo 285 BD-DD

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Let’s get started

We’ll start by learning about your needs and providing a custom savings and sustainability impact analysis, then talk you through the steps to convert.