Understanding the financial benefits of RPCs
Our comprehensive analysis pinpoints the areas where Tosca RPCs can improve efficiencies in your supply chain.
Reducing damage reduces cash in the trash
The model uses your existing shrinkage data (or industry averages) to illustrate the savings potential of reducing damage in your supply chain. Stronger, purpose-built RPCs protect product better. Period. By reducing damage and shrinkage in your supply chain, you increase the amount of product that can be sold – improving your bottom line.

What we model:
- Current shrink rate with corrugated vs. reduced rate with RPCs
- Value per lb of the products you’re shipping
- Annual cost of goods damaged while shipping with corrugated
Discover the true cost of using inferior packaging
The model evaluates your current corrugated packaging and all accessorial packaging costs required to move your products. This data is then compared to the pricing of our RPC alternative. Between our competitive pricing and the reduction of unnecessary excess accessorial packaging, the savings add up quickly.

What we model:
- Cost per corrugated box vs. RPCs
- Annual volume of corrugated boxes purchased
- Additional costs of accessory packaging materials required to ship corrugated
More efficient packs cost less to transport
The model evaluates your current freight rate from plant to DC to store, and the product capacity of your typical truckload with corrugated boxes. RPCs’ structural integrity and standardised footprint mean they can stack higher with less wasted space in a truck. Optimised cube utilisation means more product on every truck, with fewer trips and fewer trucks.

What we model:
- Average number of annual truckloads with corrugated compared to RPCs that optimize cube
- Average freight lane cost
- Number of units you typically fit per truckload with corrugated
- Typical stack height with corrugated
Store Labour
Faster and easier journey from truck to shelf reduces costs
The model evaluates the hourly labour rate and the total time dedicated daily to your product in store. Because of RPCs’ smart design, unpacking and stocking product is significantly faster. In addition to these savings, some RPCs offer a retail-ready solution that can decrease labour by over 50% in a single category.

What we model:
- Number of stores
- Hourly labour rate
- Stocking time
- Annual handling cost
OCC Impact
Credits are rapidly losing value and harder to get
The model considers the current value of the OCC credit you’re receiving, i.e., the pound amount per tonne of corrugated cardboard you’re recycling. But the revenue from OCC is declining rapidly as less and less cardboard is being accepted for recycling. A great way to offset the cost of this declining revenue stream is the increased savings gained throughout the supply chain from RPCs.

What we model:
- Your current corrugated box recovery rate
- The value you’re compensated per ton of corrugated recovered
- The average total tonnage recovered
It’s time to start thinking outside the box.
The savings start here.
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