Vediamo un futuro in cui tutti gli imballaggi unidirezionali saranno convertiti in riutilizzabili

Abbiamo fame di rendere le cose migliori, più intelligenti, più facili. Amiamo quello che facciamo e il valore che crea.

Incentrato sui clienti
Abbiamo più successo quando i nostri clienti vincono. Ascoltiamo e impariamo, quindi perseguiamo attivamente la soluzione giusta per il successo a lungo termine.

Conosciamo le catene di distibuzione dall’alto verso il basso, dall’inizio alla fine, in una vasta gamma di segmenti.

Lavoriamo insieme, comunicando in totale trasparenza. Fianco a fianco attraverso funzioni e aree geografiche è il modo in cui lavoriamo al meglio.

Siamo un’azienda compassionevole che valorizza i membri del nostro team e i clienti. Rispettarli significa preoccuparsi della loro soddisfazione e del loro successo.

Le nostre persone ei nostri prodotti arrivano sempre – in modo efficiente e completo.
Il nostro percorso verso la leadership.
Per 60 anni, Tosca ha sviluppato soluzioni innovative che offrono miglioramento della catena di fornitura e valore misurabile per fornitori, coltivatori e rivenditori. Tosca è stata in prima linea nella rivoluzione del riutilizzo sin dall’inizio.
Nasce il polimero
Fondazione di Contraload
Polymer lancia casse effetto legno
Apax acquisisce Tosca
Tosca acquisisce Contraload
Tosca devia 1 milione di tonnellate di cartone ondulato dall’ingresso nel flusso di approvvigionamento
Tosca lancia il pallet NeRA, il primo pallet al mondo inseribile su scaffalature abbastanza robusto da superare le prestazioni del legno.
Tosca si impegna in una strategia ESG 2030 che include una riduzione del 42% delle emissioni di gas serra di Scope 1 e 2, l’azzeramento dei rifiuti in discarica in tutte le nostre strutture, l’inclusione di oltre il 30% di contenuto riciclato nei prodotti senza compromettere la sicurezza alimentare e altro ancora.
In Tosca, la nostra visione è un futuro in cui tutti gli imballaggi monouso siano convertiti in riutilizzabili. È un obiettivo serio ed importante che anche i nostri clienti condividono. Guarda cosa stiamo facendo per ridurre gli sprechi ed eliminare i rifiuti da imballaggio per creare un mondo più sostenibile.
Maggiori informazioniIl nostro team di leadership
I nostri leader sono esperti del settore che comprendono i prodotti deperibili e le sfide e le opportunità della catena di fornitura.
Eric Frank
Eric Frank è diventato il presidente di Tosca nel novembre 2012 dopo la fusione tra Tosca e il business dei contenitori di plastica riutilizzabili della Georgia Pacific. Prima di ricoprire questo ruolo, Eric ha trascorso 9 anni presso la Georgia Pacific RPC Division, dove ha ricoperto incarichi di General Manager, Regional Manager, Operations Manager e National Sales Manager. Durante il suo mandato in Georgia Pacific, Eric ha guidato l’acquisizione dell’azienda Orbis produce RPC nel 2009. Ha anche lavorato presso Rehrig Pacific per 3 anni come National Account Manager, dove ha contribuito al lancio e alla gestione dei pool di CHEP e Hays North American RPC. Eric ha iniziato la sua carriera nella vendita di tessuti con The Astrup Company. Eric ha ricoperto incarichi nel consiglio di amministrazione della Coalizione per imballaggi e contenitori riutilizzabili (RPCC) e della RPA (Returnable Packaging Association).
Eric ha conseguito una laurea in comunicazione presso la Stephen F. Austin State University. È sposato, ha due figli e vive ad Alpharetta, GA.
Laurent Le Mercier
EMEA President
Nigel Lemmon
Lemmon is an accomplished international executive with over 20 years of experience driving large-scale digital transformation for global companies. His past positions include Managing Director and CIO at several Fortune 500 firms across Europe, Asia and North America.
He served as Group Head of Digital Technology at DO&CO Aktiengesellschaft, where he successfully led an enterprise-wide digital overhaul. Nigel has deep expertise across various sectors like manufacturing, utilities, FMCG, and business services.
Steve Arendsen
President, NA
Tosca, a global leader in reusable packaging solutions and pooling, has promoted Steve Arendsen to President – North America, reporting directly to Eric Frank, Chief Executive Officer. Steve’s leadership will enable Tosca to provide greater focus on the specific needs of Tosca’s North America customers.
Steve’s career in the supply chain industry began at Georgia Pacific where he spent over thirty years in various roles, including serving as the business director for the reusable packaging division that was later sold to create what is now Tosca. Later, Steve joined Tosca in September of 2020 as Vice President of Global Procurement and US Supply Chain. In this role, Steve led his team through some of the most unprecedented supply chain challenges the industry has ever seen. Having been a part of the evolution of the plastic reusables industry since its entrance in North America, he is uniquely qualified to provide leadership in operational excellence as well as continued business growth.
Steve is married with three adult children. The family loves to travel and looks forward to spending time together on the road.
I nostri membri del consiglio di amministrazione
Eric Frank
Eric Frank è diventato il presidente di Tosca nel novembre 2012 dopo la fusione tra Tosca e il business dei contenitori di plastica riutilizzabili della Georgia Pacific. Prima di ricoprire questo ruolo, Eric ha trascorso 9 anni presso la Georgia Pacific RPC Division, dove ha ricoperto incarichi di General Manager, Regional Manager, Operations Manager e National Sales Manager. Durante il suo mandato in Georgia Pacific, Eric ha guidato l’acquisizione dell’azienda Orbis produce RPC nel 2009. Ha anche lavorato presso Rehrig Pacific per 3 anni come National Account Manager, dove ha contribuito al lancio e alla gestione dei pool di CHEP e Hays North American RPC. Eric ha iniziato la sua carriera nella vendita di tessuti con The Astrup Company. Eric ha ricoperto incarichi nel consiglio di amministrazione della Coalizione per imballaggi e contenitori riutilizzabili (RPCC) e della RPA (Returnable Packaging Association).
Eric ha conseguito una laurea in comunicazione presso la Stephen F. Austin State University. È sposato, ha due figli e vive ad Alpharetta, GA.
Phil Collins
Phil is the Founder and CEO of Orchard Holdings Group, a long-term oriented private investment firm. Previously, he was a Managing Director of McCown De Leeuw & Co. – a $1.2 billion middle-market private equity investment firm in New York City and Menlo Park, California. He started his career working for private investment pioneer Carl H. Lindner, Jr., then Chairman, CEO and Founder of American Financial Group, a large diversified financial services and investment company, and as a consultant at McKinsey & Co.
He is a graduate of The University of Cincinnati and received an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. He has been a director or Chairman of dozens of privately held companies, including previously serving as Chairman of Tosca from 2011 to 2017. In 2016 he was appointed by Governor John Kasich to the Board of Trustees of the University of Cincinnati, where he currently serves as Chairman. He also serves as a Director of UC Health, its affiliated Academic Health Center, and as Chair of the Investment Committee for its $2 billion endowment.
Raphael Geminder
Raphael has 30+ years’ executive and investment experience in private and public companies throughout Australia and the world. Raphael founded Kin Group, a long-term focused diversified investment group in 2000 and it has since executed numerous investments in a range of industries and regions.
Raphael founded Pact Group Limited (ASX: PGH) in 2002 and currently serves as its executive chairman. Prior to this, Raphael was the co-founder and Chairman of Visy Recycling, growing it into the largest recycling company in Australia. Raphael was appointed Victoria’s first Honorary Consul of South Africa in July 2006. He also holds a number of other advisory and Board positions.
Raphael holds a Master of Business Administration in Finance from Syracuse University, New York.
Lauri Honea
Lauri served as the former CEO of MicroStar Logistics, the largest independent keg owner in the US, providing the brewing industry with a “green” keg management solution. Prior to MicroStar, Lauri held executive position in major telecommunications and aerospace companies.
Lauri holds a B.S. in Finance from the University of Northern Colorado and an M.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Denver.
Ashish Karandikar
Ashish joined Apax in 2007 and is a Partner in the Services team based in New York. He has led and participated in a number of key deals including American Water Resources, PIB Group, SavATree, AssuredPartners, Authority Brands,, Garda, HUB International, MyCase, Quality Distribution, TIVIT and Tosca Services.
Prior to joining Apax, Ashish was an investment banker at Morgan Stanley in the Mumbai and New York offices where he specialized in advising clients on mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions and in evaluating investments in real estate.
Ashish holds a BCom from the University of Mumbai where he was valedictorian of his class and an MBA (Honours) from the University of Chicago. In addition, Ashish is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
Alan Menkes
Alan è socio amministratore di Empeiria Capital Partners, LLC. Empeiria Capital Partners è una società di private equity che investe in società a piccola capitalizzazione operanti nei settori dell’industria, dell’energia, dei servizi e dei beni alimentari e di consumo confezionati. Raccolgono capitali, operazione per operazione, da individui di elevato valore netto, family office e fondi istituzionali.
Dave Russell
Dave is currently Principal of Transmove Consulting, LLC. He brings 40 years of experience in strategic planning, marketing innovation, brand management, sales and profit growth, operational improvement, financial turnaround and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, organizational design and planning, technology development, change and crisis management, and executive management and development.
Dave joined IFCO Systems North America, Inc. in 2000 as Senior Vice President. In 2002, he was appointed President and CEO of IFCO Systems North America, Inc., the largest division of IFCO Systems N.V. (“IFCO”), a global leader in pallet management services and reusable container solutions. Dave retired from IFCO in 2014, after managing a successful acquisition and integration of IFCO by Brambles Ltd., the world’s leading equipment pooling company. Prior to joining IFCO, he served as President, CEO and Director of General Rental, Inc., an equipment rental company operating in the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean Islands. From 1996 through the acquisition and integration of Ryder TRS, Inc., a leading U.S. truck rental company, by Budget Car and Truck Rental, Inc., Dave was Vice President and General Manager of Ryder TRS, Inc. He joined Ryder Systems, Inc., a world leader in transportation and logistics services, in 1982 where he served in various management and executive positions.
He is a former President of the Reusable Pallet and Container Coalition (now the Reusable Packaging Association) and was a member of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.
Dave is Managing Director of One Catalyst Foundation and actively supports Make-a-Wish and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where he initiated the Jessica Bongiovanni Research Fund.
Dave holds a B.A. in political science and public administration from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Nadia Shouraboura
Dr. Nadia Shouraboura started her academic career in the field of mathematics and computer science. Her work in machine learning attracted the attention of Princeton University where she was offered a scholarship and received a PhD in Mathematics. Her research resulted in several important papers, referenced by over 200 publications.
Nadia joined in March of 2004. She was a member of Amazon’s management board and served on Jeff Bezos’ executive S-Team responsible for overall direction and operations of Amazon. Under her guidance as the Head of Worldwide Supply Chain and Fulfillment, Amazon achieved the largest product selection on earth and implemented a novel retail supply chain controlling the move of every item, every associate and every package with precision in real time, worldwide.
She left Amazon to start Hointer with the vision to change the physical retail experience from the inside out. In 2019 she sold the business to the Australian conglomerate Wesfarmers.
Most recently Nadia co-founded a new venture QuantyCat and she also serves on the boards of Ocado, Ferguson, MTS and FormLabs.
Forrest Wilkinson
Forrest Wilkinson è un Principal del team Servizi. È entrato in Apax nel 2014 e attualmente è basato a New York. La sua esperienza nelle operazioni di Apax comprende PIB Group, Tosca, Authority Brands, AssuredPartners, Paycor e Quality Distribution.
Prima di entrare in Apax, Forrest è stato analista nel gruppo Fusioni e acquisizioni di Evercore Partners a New York. In precedenza, ha lavorato come analista nel Global Industrials Group di Bank of America Merrill Lynch, dove ha fornito consulenza a clienti aziendali su operazioni di fusione e acquisizione e sui mercati dei capitali.
Forrest ha conseguito un MBA presso la Stanford Graduate School of Business, dove è stato nominato Arjay Miller Scholar. Ha inoltre conseguito un BBA in Finanza e un BA in Piano II Honors with Special Honors presso l’Università del Texas ad Austin.
Mark Zubko
Mark Zubko joined Apax Partners in 2010 and is a Partner and Head of the Capital Markets Group (“CMG”). The Capital Markets Group leads the execution of debt and equity related transactions across the Apax private equity portfolio. Recent Apax investment experience includes AssuredPartners,, Epicor, Full Beauty, iGate, Kinetic Concepts, One Call, Orange Switzerland and Paradigm.
Prior to joining Apax, Mark worked at Terra Firma Capital Partners, MidOcean Capital Partners and Goldman, Sachs and Co.
Mark holds an MBA from Stanford University and has a BA in Economics from Wesleyan University.
Entra nel nostro gruppo.
Se condividi la nostra passione per lo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative e la fornitura di un servizio clienti di prim’ordine, vediamo se siamo una buona coppia.
Applica oraI tanti vantaggi di lavorare in Tosca.
Crediamo che i membri del nostro team meritino più di un semplice stipendio. Meritano di lavorare in un ambiente divertente con un team di supporto che si prende cura l’uno dell’altro e incoraggia la collaborazione a tutti i livelli. Non si tratta solo di essere una grande azienda, si tratta di essere grandi persone e servire uno scopo più alto. Ogni dipendente Tosca può essere orgoglioso di fare la propria parte per ridurre gli sprechi alimentari.
Ai membri del nostro team viene fornita un’ampia gamma di programmi per aiutarli a raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale, personalmente e professionalmente.
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