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Tosca launches new life cycle analysis tool to help reduce environmental footprint of companies transporting bulk liquids


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New analysis shows foldable plastic IBCs outperform competitors with up to 61% greenhouse gas savings, 23% less water use, and 17% lower fossil fuel consumption. 

Aartselaar, Belgium, 11th May 2023 – Tosca, a global leader in reusable packaging and performance pooling solutions, has launched a new life cycle analysis (LCA) tool to help companies transporting bulk liquids reduce their environmental footprint by selecting the most sustainable type of liquid Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC). The LCA tool uses the Compass platform developed by Trayak and is endorsed by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition. It provides comprehensive data on the cradle-to-grave impact of switching to Tosca’s foldable IBCs from existing solutions.  

“We are delighted to introduce this new tool to companies transporting bulk liquids. It will empower them to make informed decisions about the environmental impact of their packaging choices. By using the LCA data, companies can continuously search for ways to further reduce the environmental footprint at every stage of the life cycle.” 

Karin Witton, Global Director of Sustainability at Tosca.

The LCA data provided by the tool illustrates how Tosca’s reusable, foldable IBCs outperform competing load carriers on the market in terms of environmental impact over short, intermediate, and long distances. The containers included in the analysis include Schütz containers, stainless steel containers, steel drums, and nestable plastic drums. 

The indicators forming part of the analysis include fossil fuel use, greenhouse gas emissions, and water use. When comparing Tosca’s solution to other options, the analysis finds it has a smaller environmental impact in most cases. This advantage is especially pronounced during longer return trips where Tosca’s foldable intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) outperform rigid IBCs. This is because one standard truck can carry up to 182 empty foldable IBCs, replacing more than 3 trucks that would be needed to transport rigid bulk containers with similar capacity. 

  • When comparing foldable plastic intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) to stainless steel containers for longer distances, there can be up to 61% greenhouse gas savings.  
  • Additionally, when compared to Schütz containers, foldable plastic IBCs on average use 23% less water across all distances.  
  • Finally, when compared to plastic drums, using foldable plastic IBCs results in at least 17% less fossil fuel use. These findings demonstrate the significant environmental advantages of using foldable plastic IBCs over other container options.  

“We are proud to offer bulk liquid solutions that not only have a smaller environmental footprint but also provide superior performance and durability. Our LCA tool demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and our efforts to continuously improve the environmental impact of our products and solutions whilst also driving more efficient, higher performing supply chains.” 

Dan Lee, Tosca’s EMEA President

Tosca’s reusable packaging solutions, including their foldable IBCs, are part of a pooling model that allows customers to share the use of the containers, reducing waste and environmental impact without significant upfront capital expenditure. Pooling also ensures that high-quality, washed, and inspected reusable assets are in the right place at the right time. The company’s commitment to sustainability also includes a focus on reducing food waste and increasing supply chain efficiencies. 

For more information about Tosca’s reusable packaging and performance pooling solutions and their new LCA tool, click here.

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